♡ a day in my life,  ♡ adventures,  ♡ life,  ♡ lolita,  ♡ outfit snap,  ♡ style,  ♡ video,  ♡ vlogmas


Hey hooooo it’s a bit late in the day because this day has been insane [just wait for the next vlog -of today- to see why] but here it issss! VLOGMAS DAY 3!!! I am really enjoying doing these so far, hope you like watching them! Let me know if you do, with a thumbs up or a comment or something, just so I know what you think ^__^

I am trying to use this every-day-posting thing as an opportunity to motivate myself to dress up more, I had this silly idea to make my outfits a bit Christmassy-feeling?? not sure it’s working haha, I don’t have the biggest festive wardrobe, especially not in Lolita… maybe I won’t actually be wearing it for every vlog … but we’ll see. Kinda enjoying breaking out the reds in my wardrobe that are just so winter-appropriate! And berets are also sooo perfect~ they look cute and keep you warm at the same time. WIN!

skirt ☆ Angelic Pretty ♡ Milky Berry

blouse ☆ Innocent World

cardigan ☆ New Look

socks, beret, scarf ☆ offbrand

See you tomorrow! Hope you have a lovely weekend!



(✿◠‿◠)☆ no need to be shy~ I read and appreciate every comment! I understand English, Dutch and French - so please leave a comment in one of those languages ♡

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