• insta1312
    ♡ adventures,  ♡ style

    instagram ♡ december 2013

    I thought it would be fun to share my instagram pictures in one place. I know it’s a bit image heavy because I took a trip to the Netherlands and Belgium and was really happy to be using instagram again, haha, so maybe that’s a sign I should do these posts a bit more often and a bit more staggered ^_^

  • VC110702 2
    ♡ lolita,  ♡ outfit snap,  ♡ style

    Ash & Vief ♡ twinning!

    This post has probably been the most work I’ve put into something for no actual good reason other than I wanted to do it and it seemed fun. The idea certainly seemed a lot more fun before I had to trek through all my five hard disks in search of things, and in the mean time I also had the misfortune to discover that I’ve lost another month worth of photos [discovering that I have lost photos, to me, is quite upsetting.] – which happened to me before and really made me sad. But now that I’ve had a few moments to recover, I’m finally ready. I am here to…