bridlington ♡ beach
Hello hi, it’s been a very crazy very busy two months, but I finally have energy to post something again. Sooooo, in June when I was still in the UK, Beccy offered to go to the seaside before I left (to go “see my people”), so we all dressed up in our Nightmare Rising sailor JSKs and had a fun day out!
instagram ♡ december 2013
I thought it would be fun to share my instagram pictures in one place. I know it’s a bit image heavy because I took a trip to the Netherlands and Belgium and was really happy to be using instagram again, haha, so maybe that’s a sign I should do these posts a bit more often and a bit more staggered ^_^
Ash & Vief ♡ twinning!
This post has probably been the most work I’ve put into something for no actual good reason other than I wanted to do it and it seemed fun. The idea certainly seemed a lot more fun before I had to trek through all my five hard disks in search of things, and in the mean time I also had the misfortune to discover that I’ve lost another month worth of photos [discovering that I have lost photos, to me, is quite upsetting.] – which happened to me before and really made me sad. But now that I’ve had a few moments to recover, I’m finally ready. I am here to…
Lolita 30 Day Challenge ♡ 05 : A picture of yourself before Lolita came into your life
Hmmm… I had been introduced to Lolita around 2005, but didn’t start wearing it properly until late 2007. So have some photos of me around the summer of leaving secondary school and before ‘updating’ my style, haha.