December 9
I usually write on this blog on the very last day of the year. In the past few years I had either saved up some words and published them together, or I just let my mind let out what it needed to on that date. As I was still searching what I really wanted, because I was unsure about everything to do with this website (did I want a blog? a portfolio? what would be its focus? writing, or photography, a mix of both by posting about Lolita fashion, or maybe I could focus on vegan food, post travel adventures, perhaps a mix of all of the above, which is…
instagram ♡ december 2013
I thought it would be fun to share my instagram pictures in one place. I know it’s a bit image heavy because I took a trip to the Netherlands and Belgium and was really happy to be using instagram again, haha, so maybe that’s a sign I should do these posts a bit more often and a bit more staggered ^_^
Lolita 30 Day Challenge ♡ 04: What are the 10 foods that you love as much as Lolita?
I don’t really like this question because it has very little to do with Lolita?!?! But fine, here it goes. Also I’m gonna cheat because I love way too many sorts of food! 하나 Soy yoghurt. Aka Yofu. I have been eating this religiously even before I went vegan. For me, it’s like Davey[ref]Also known as that guy from AFI. Read here.[/ref] came down from the States and was like “Here, my children, this will be the best food: it will be tasty and it will be good for you”. But the good thing is you can eat it whenever. I mean, I basically eat it whenever. I eat it for…