• Our table!
    ♡ adventures,  ♡ events,  ♡ lolita,  ♡ outfit snap,  ♡ style

    lolitas of Leeds ♡ ILD summer 2014

    Hallo hallo, long time no blog!! Well, I’m freeeeeee [pretty much] from university now, so, time to catch up! Every summer and winter, lolitas all over the world celebrate International Lolita Day, which falls on the first weekend of June and first weekend of December. I think the official day is on a saturday for some reason but a lot of people also have meet ups and celebrations on the sunday. Which was the case for us, Lolitas of Leeds, because we held a SUPER GIANT MEGA MEET on Sunday the 8th of June.

  • insta1312
    ♡ adventures,  ♡ style

    instagram ♡ december 2013

    I thought it would be fun to share my instagram pictures in one place. I know it’s a bit image heavy because I took a trip to the Netherlands and Belgium and was really happy to be using instagram again, haha, so maybe that’s a sign I should do these posts a bit more often and a bit more staggered ^_^

  • 31st of December
    ♡ life

    December 31

    Hey, blog. Long time no see. I apologise in advance that this is a long read. I figured at some point I would take the time to explain what has been happening with me. In case anybody cared… but mostly for myself. I used to write a diary when I was young, and then I used to write a virtual diary when I was a little older, and I would always take the time on this stupid day, to write something. Many people do. We like to reflect back on a year. What was good, what was bad, what do we want out of the shiny promise of a new…

  • ♡ adventures,  ♡ lolita,  ♡ style

    vief ♡ clothes and food and stuff

    Whoooooops, I realise my last post was two months ago! (◎ー◎;) I have been SO BUSY! Well, at least I have the “it was summer”-excuse. And I think it’s a valid excuse because my summer was really good! My summer was so adventurous and filled with fun people and fun memories [and many fun photos that I really want to share!!] that I am really sad it is over! But on the other hand I am also reaaaaally excited about the academic year starting again. I am starting my third [and final] year at the University of Leeds. I’m taking lots of interesting modules and also have to write a dissertation.…

  • phoenix
    ♡ life,  ♡ style

    Question ☆ Tell something more about your tattoos?

    What do they mean to you/where did you get them done/random thoughts you have about them? Well, you asked, I over-delivered. This is quite long and detailed, but I hope it answers everything and if you still have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask! My first tattoo is a ‘secret’, it’s not really a big deal I just like to keep it as much to myself as possible. I got it when I was 18. As you may or may not know I have a history with self injury and depression and this tattoo is important to me because it means that I make my own choices and I make my own…

  • 1303
    ♡ life

    vief ♡ life in Leeds

    Wow, it seems so long ago now,  but here’s some photos of when it was March and it was still SNOWING and I was getting really annoyed at the never ending snow! I had a WEEK OF TERROR of deadlines and deadlines and more deadlines, even some creeping into our month-long Easter holiday, so when I was done with my horrible horrible essays and things, we took a little trek into downtown Leeds to check out the newly opened Trinity shopping centre thing.

  • gina02
    ♡ adventures,  ♡ events,  ♡ lolita,  ♡ outfit snap,  ♡ style

    Lolitas of Leeds ♡ J-Pop GO!

    I say lolitas of Leeds… but my other friends were there too! On Saturday March 16th, there was a special J-Pop and K-Pop night in one of the clubs of Leeds University Union, called Mine, and this event was called J-Pop GO! and is apparently organised in different places at different times [website]. When it finally came to Leeds, this promised to be a fun event because all the lolitas agreed to dress up and of course the music would be to our taste [not like at other club events where it’s just Top 40 blabla].