• insta1312
    ♡ adventures,  ♡ style

    instagram ♡ december 2013

    I thought it would be fun to share my instagram pictures in one place. I know it’s a bit image heavy because I took a trip to the Netherlands and Belgium and was really happy to be using instagram again, haha, so maybe that’s a sign I should do these posts a bit more often and a bit more staggered ^_^

  • davey havok day
    ♡ life

    vief ♡ Davey Havok Day!

    The 14th of February will be upon us in a bit, and since that’s always a very special day, I thought I would write about it to let the world know! Rules of Davey Havok Day: Wear pink Listen to Davey Drink pink bubbly stuff (non-alcoholic! of course) Eat [pink] vegan cupcakes Hug your friends Post pictures of Davey on your blogs (optional) I can hear you think: WHO is Davey? and WHY pink? and why can’t I get drunk off my face?! First of all, Davey is the lead singer for AFI, as is explained here. Why you can’t get drunk is because Davey is straight edge – you should…