• phoenix
    ♡ life,  ♡ style

    Question ☆ Tell something more about your tattoos?

    What do they mean to you/where did you get them done/random thoughts you have about them? Well, you asked, I over-delivered. This is quite long and detailed, but I hope it answers everything and if you still have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask! My first tattoo is a ‘secret’, it’s not really a big deal I just like to keep it as much to myself as possible. I got it when I was 18. As you may or may not know I have a history with self injury and depression and this tattoo is important to me because it means that I make my own choices and I make my own…

  • 1303
    ♡ life

    vief ♡ life in Leeds

    Wow, it seems so long ago now,  but here’s some photos of when it was March and it was still SNOWING and I was getting really annoyed at the never ending snow! I had a WEEK OF TERROR of deadlines and deadlines and more deadlines, even some creeping into our month-long Easter holiday, so when I was done with my horrible horrible essays and things, we took a little trek into downtown Leeds to check out the newly opened Trinity shopping centre thing.

  • ♡
    ♡ adventures,  ♡ life,  ♡ outfit snap

    Davey Havok Day ♡ 2013

    Thursday the 14th of February was a special day. I already posted about it the week before, but in case it slipped by: it was time for the annual DAVEY HAVOK DAY~! I started my day travelling back up North after spending 24 hours in London for the Kyary concert… And was happy to see a rainbow on the way! During the 4,5 hour trip, I drank a pink[ish] drink, and listened to ALL THE AFI on my iphone, which coincidentally spanned the whole bus trip! The track I was listening to when I took this picture is a b-side and it’s one of my favourite ones. When I arrived…