January 1
Why hello. It’s 2015 now. I wrote something on December 31st, 2013 – something long, something sad. It was tough to write… The support I got was overwhelming, and everybody who has been with me over the last year, I thank you so, so much. Things have changed tremendously from that moment until now, and it’s mostly for the better, and I’m so thankful and grateful for it! It was a crazy year and I’ve learned and grown so much, and I hope to continue to keep working on myself and make things better. So let’s take this moment to look back in positives!
vief ♡ fun saturdays
April 6th [helloooo time machine hahaha] was a beautiful day: the sun was out, it was Easter break. First I went for breakfast at Peach & Pear and then after that I went with a couple of Lolita friends to see Mary Poppins. YAY!