Vlogmas 2020 ♡ Day 3
This was a day of a loooot of cooking!! Still going strong, sorry for the backlog in editing, but hopefully my introductory story at the start of the video explains that a little bit as well. See you soon!
Vlogmas 2020 ♡ Day 2
Welcome back again, it’s day two of Vlogmas! I’m so proud I didn’t completely give up after one day. I even got Dee to help me film my outfit! ♡ By the way, it’s now [by the time of posting] December 7th, and I’ll let you in on the fact that I have been filming every day so far! Please let me know any feedback you might have, by leaving me a comment here or on Youtube. Also I’m very curious to the answers on some of the things I’ve asked in this video… turns out I had quite a few, haha. Oh and please subscribe to my new channel,…
Vlogmas 2020 ♡ Day 1
Sooo many years [and attempts…] later, I am BACK to try my hand at Vlogmas. Remember, that thing I did ages ago? And then my computer crashed and I had videos but just… never uploaded them. And then I got a special camera to try again and it failed. And then I was too busy. And then I was too sad. [In 2017 I literally filmed every day and I just never edited or uploaded anything. Story of my life. So many unfinished projects. I’m working on getting better at that!] So, let’s just try this again. I wasn’t really sure what I would be doing, at first I wanted…