review ♡ crazy factory
As a little in-between, here’s a review of sorts for the piercing shop, Crazy Factory [website].
I think most people with piercings know about this shop already, but in case you don’t: it’s super useful! You can buy almost any jewellery you like, in any quantity you wish, for ‘factory’ prices [hence the name]. No more paying 20 euros for one barbell or something ridiculous like that. However, you have to be cautious as these items don’t come standardly sterilised [there’s a separate section for sterilised piercings!] so it’s best if you use these pieces of jewellery on skin that has already healed.
I have ordered from this website many times before, when I lived in the Netherlands and when I lived in Belgium, and now while I live in the UK. The website is pretty straightforward. You choose your item and the quantity, size, colour, etc. With plugs and tunnels you have to beware you probably want two! (^_−)☆
I like that I can change the currency, so I can look at prices in either euros or pounds. When you checkout, there are several payment options, and shipping is free above a certain value, which is great. You can also keep a wishlist, which is useful, because sometimes I like to go ‘windowshopping’ but not actually buy anything yet… so I can keep adding stuff to my wishlist until I am completely sure I want things or until I hit the amount that qualifies for free shipping. Handydandy~!
You also get points, which you can use when you shop, as a sort of credit. You get them through their emails and through orders, so I used my old points on this order for a discount and then directly got new points because I made an order. I’m not complaining because I’ll come back for sure! (^▽^)
This time I had to order because my little vertical labret had healed and I was so sick of the jewellery that was used initially which was wayyyyy too long. So I ordered a new banana at 8mm [I think they pierced with 12mm?! but luckily I asked the piercer what size I should get after it was healed, and they recommended 8mm] in several colours. [link] And I also got some other small bits and pieces. I got stuff in blue and turquoise because I wanted everything to match – my septum, tongue, lip, etc.
The good thing about Crazy Factory is that you can buy loose things, such as rubber rings for tunnels, screwy tops or barbells… You can find almost anything but not the coloured balls! So I had to buy the whole thing, barbell + ends, even if I only really needed the ends to be coloured. Ah well. The good thing about me being a hoarder and ordering five billion of something is that when I have a mishap [aka I lose the end of a piece of jewellery randomly, it has happened before :o ] I have a little box with several spare bits and pieces… haha!
I ordered new tunnels/tubes as well, since I was a bit bored with my old ones and I really like the look of those clean, thin, steel ones. [link] However the ones I had [link] had rubber rings on the end, which I kept losing, so I thought double flared ends would probably be best for me. The thing I like about double flared ends is that tunnels either have those rings or they have screw-on backs, which I don’t like as dirt can get stuck or the screw-part might hurt your skin when you change jewellery. The thing I don’t like about double flared ends is that obviously you have to somehow manage to get the wide bit through the hole! [This can be a pain, it depends, really.] Anyhoooooo, you never know until you try, right? So I ordered and hoped for the best.
I received everything in neat little bags within a week, it still felt a bit long since I was so anxious to get that long stick out of my face!
As you can see, everything is in nice shades of blue. I ordered silicone and surgical steel tunnels in two sizes, as I also got an expander [link] since I’m planning to go a size [or two?] up! Heeeeee, exciting! ʘ‿ʘ
Purple silicone. I LOVE THESE! Soooo comfortable, they fit super snug, and they are amazing for sleeping and for situations in which you might be scared to have more sturdy jewellery. Aka concert moshpits or the like. But definitely sleeping.
But I also loooooove the look of the surgical steel ones. I’m a bit sad that these don’t come in another colour, haha, I know there are tunnels with a thicker edge that do, but not these thin ones. ⊙︿⊙ And they’re a bit wide, they don’t fit as snugly as the silicone ones. I never really understand this, why is it so hard to understand that an earlobe is really not that wide?! I guess they have to fit a range of customers but meh. Anyway, in the closeup it might not look so appealing but I really like when I wear these. Suddenly I got a lot more “Oh hey, you have stretched earlobes!”-comments, haha.
And finally, the new banana!!! Needless to say I am verrrrryyyyy pleased! The 8mm fits perfectly!!
Now after a few months of wearing these things I can say the colour on some pieces has worn off, and not on others, which is probably to do with contact but since everything is just steel underneath I don’t really care that much.
I do really like the blue colour though. I like the way it matches with my hair now ;) As you can tell I hadn’t [and still haven’t] changed the ring in my septum, even though the shop here is nice enough to change your jewellery for you if you bring your own. It’s always a bit tricky not buying these things in a physical shop because 1] you can’t see if you like the style/colour as much in person 2] you don’t always know if it fits and 3] you might not always have the tools ready to put things in by yourself. I know I have a bunch of things that are pretty useless because of one or more of these reasons, but oh well.
All in all, I was very happy with this order and I’m even happier with my vertical labret now that I have fitting jewellery in it! (。・ω・。)ノ♡

Damiën Tenda
Now that I have seen this post you make me want to order some more from them ♥ Love the purple silicone though, cute!
It’s addictive, huh! ♡ I always go back and find more things I want, hahaha.
Im interested in buying plugs from Crazy-factory.com but I couldn’t find my gauge size 00g/10mm. I also didn’t understand the size after 0g because it went to 000g.
I’m confused with the gauge sizes on crazy-factory, I’m currently at a 00g/10mm and when it asked me to pick a diameter all I can see after 0g was 000g :/ is 00g and 000g the same ?
Hmmm, that’s really weird that you can’t find anything at 10mm? Because I’m at 10mm and I never had any issues. 00g and 000g are not the same I think, but I don’t browse in gauge anyway, I browse in mm.
On the top bar you can see a little blue square that will tell you if you are browsing in gauge or mm. Change that to metric [mm/cm] and then there will definitely be things at 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, etc. I just checked a random plug and the size went up to 24 so yeah! Hope that helps!
I ordered before I read this today and forgot to order 2 of each gauge and put 1 as quantity. First time with them. d: Thought 1 quantity was 1 pair. XD Thanks for clearing it up! In the U.S. right now so gotta wait 3 more weeks. d:
Leuk verhaal! Maar hoelang duurt het ongeveer voor het wordt afgeleverd in Nederland?
Geen idee, want dat heb ik nog niet geprobeerd, zodra ik dat doe zal ik het wel vermelden ^_^
zo euk heb vorige vrijdag net expanders gekocht bij crazy factory en zocht nu even naar een reviews er van, kom ik bij een Nederlandse super leuk:o :D
Hihi, wat leuk! Heb je ze al binnen ondertussen? :D
I ordered from then 2 months ago the first week of December. My parcel still hasn’t arrived and I’ve tried reaching out their customer support multiple times about either refunding me, giving me credit, or resending my parcel and they haven’t even tried to respond. They pretty much scammed me and are to cheap to solve my problem. Needless to say there were a few friends that didn’t get Christmas gifts last year And I’m never ordering from them again.