Lolitas of Leeds ♡ february meet up
On february 16th, our lovely Sophie organised a meet up for the lolitas of Leeds with cute crafting and yummy food. The first half of the meet was walking around Leeds with photographers and as a result of that, there are some pretty photos of the gorgeous girls of our community… However, since I wasn’t there for that part I can’t report on it. I joined the group when they were inside the Leeds public library and just about to start crafting.
A couple of us were making origami, these little things are called Hunny bunnies.
Sophie had brought supplies! Others were making roses out of crepe paper.
Our finished hunny bunnies formed a cute semi-rainbow.
Before we left the library, it was time for outfit snaps. I love our colourful and diverse group so much!! But my camera isn’t the best. :(
Hostess Sophie, sweet in pink as always! ;)
Cutie Steph.
Badass Grace.
Rachel who I just met that day.
Aahh I love Dream Fantasy ♡ and it looks perfect on Beccy. A bonus silly picture:
Iasha’s amazing hairstyles always fit her equally pretty coords.
Charlotte in Cherry Berry Bunny ♡
Resident gothic lolita Jo.
And of course Michaela was there looking cute as ever.
I was wearing Sugary Carnival which for once suited my hair! haha.
Two photos that I’ve taken from Charlotte:
Outfit rundown:
JSK, socks, headbow, blouse: Angelic Pretty
Necklace, bracelet, rings: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Swimmer
Bow: ManiaQ
We went for Chinese food! Leeds lolis loooooove food.
We had a lot of fun at our round table of awesomeness. The food was tasty, although the satay sauce wasn’t exactly what I expected?! But the most memorable event of the evening was definitely the discussion about seafoam green. It’s a long story but the point is that Innocent World labeled something as nordic blue when it’s definitely not blue at all. And that’s all I’ll say. :P
When the other girls got desserts, I just had to take this picture! My coordinate MATCHED with ICE CREAM! ♡ ♡ ♡
Super WIN! haha. Okay, it wasn’t my own ice cream but it still made me really happy. :D
And that’s it! I had a marvelous day out with my friends and hope you liked the pictures.
x’s and o’s!

No pictures?! I thought it was something with my phone first, but I also see nothing on my laptop?! Am I weird for thinking there should be photos in this post?! ;D
Hmmmm… This post definitely needs photos!! They work for me – I have a plugin that makes pictures load when you need them, but maybe it’s broken on other browsers? What browser are you using?
I’m using chrome! And on my phone I use Safari, it doesn’t work with either =(
:( What about now? I turned it off…
Ik zie het wel hoor!!
Leukkkk! OMG JE IJS, HET MATCHT MET JE OUTFIT. Hoe geniaal!!
& Dat ziet er gezellig uit :D
huhhh ik had een comment achtergelaten en nu is het weg whaattt?? *test test*
Ze zijn er allebei hoor! EN JA GENIAAL HEA (;゙°´ω°´)
Megan halliday
Awe this is so cute… I live near Leeds and I really want to meet lolitas because I am slowly intorducing it (sort of) to my fashion and I just like cute stuff and want to be full Lolita, you are all so cute, I wish I could have joined in
Slowly is a good way to go about it! Glad you liked my post ^_^ Hope you can join in sometime!