lolitas of Leeds ☘ march meet up
On March 17th, which was ☘ St. Patrick’s Day ☘, I organised a meet up for the lovely lolitas of Leeds which centred around the colour GREEEEN~!!
Since I made it very clear to everyone that you had to wear GREEN on the day, I obviously couldn’t do anything other than show up in shades of green from head to toe myself. ;)
Getting ready: mint tights, mint bolero, mint cami, green bloomers, mint blouse, mint skirt, mint socks, drying myself in the shower with my green towel and of course wearing green underwear after said shower [not pictured :P ].
Our group at our big table at the Reliance [website], where we decided to have a nice Sunday lunch and take a chill time. Sometimes active meets are nice, but since we had gone out for dancing on Saturday night, I thought it would be quite active enough to do board games! The Reliance were absolutely lovely and let us book a table for our big group and once we were there it was no problem that we could stay for quite a while! The menu was excellent too, there were options for everyone.
fresh mint tea ☘ décor at The Reliance
silly faces and smiley faces
Food! I had tasty home made chunky chips, aubergine and beans tagine and flatbread.
☘ Béile blasta dhuit! ☘[ref]’Enjoy your meal!’ as Gaeilge.[/ref]
After food it was time for games and desserts! We played Kakkerlakken Salade[ref]’Cockroach Salad’ see here[/ref] [which is green! haha], Disney Princess UNO and one of my favourite games ever: Fluxx! (⌒▽⌒)☆
Outfit shots: (sadly I’m missing some of the girls who left early! :( )
Sophie and her flower ✿
I want to thank everyone for doing an awesome job at trying to work with my theme [green is a hard colour to pull off in Lolita!] and for showing up, in general! Everyone looked good and made the theme their own, seriously, impressive guys! My camera does not do the outfits justice.
When we were ready to leave I noticed how beautifully green the wall in the other room was! So I snapped a quick picture! My jacket totally matched, haha. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Matching with things is awesome[ref]Remember the ice cream?[/ref].
jacket ☆ H&M
blouse, skirt, socks, bag ☆ Angelic Pretty
bolero ☆ Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
accessories ☆ Angelic Pretty, handmade, Chocomint
self made cupcake necklace ☘ clover face stickers
So for the extra reference to Saint Patrick, I put this little green snake in my hair. I love his cute little tongue, heheh. (◕‿◕✿)
Also, the gold star clips represent the gold that leprechauns take care of at the end of the rainbow. ^_^
The bright green apple my wifey Kate once gave me went perfect, and to finish the ensemble I added the Very Hungry Caterpillar[ref]From Eric Carle fame [wiki][/ref]. ☘ Fun fact: I’m a big fan of that little fella! One day I hope to own the book in a lot of different languages. The little stuffed caterpillar was a Christmas present from a few years ago. I love him! (。♥‿♥。)
And to show that literally everything I was wearing this day was green – here’s a picture of my petticoats peeking through (^O^☆♪
That’s it for this overwhelmingly green post! I had a lot of fun organising this meet for my friends, thanks again everyone for coming and playing boardgames in an intense manner, hahaha! (´ ▽`).。o♡
I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures, and see you next year!

en ik ben ook groot fan van Rupsje Nooitgenoeg =D <3
♡ Nawwwww thanksssss!
Rupsje Nooitgenoeg FTW!
Kerryn Hewson
Oh my gosh!! This whole thing makes me SQUEE in delight!! I love your outfit and all the other girls too. I can tell it was all so much fun and so carefree.
Thank you for the sweet comment!!
You are so right about it being fun and carefree, very well for a Sunday ^_^
Ah wat een supertoffe foto’s allemaal! Wat ik me afvraag he, word je nooit helemaal gek en kriebelig van al die dingetjes om en aan je lichaam en haar? Ik word alleen al kriebelig als ik naar al die lagen kleding kijk en dingetjes in haren, etc. Als ik alleen een ketting om heb, word ik al helemaal naar :’) Haha! Oké, misschien ben ik gewoon een beetje hypergevoelig want mijn septum piercing vind ik na al die jaren ook nog steeds kriebelen.
Haha goede vraag!
Ja, soms word ik wel kriebelig na een lange tijd met teveel spulletjes. Dan word ik héél erg blji als ik thuis kom en het allemaal af kan doen en lekker in mijn pyjama kan kruipen :D
Maar dat een septum of enkel een ketting ofzo, dat valt wel mee. Het is meer het gevoel van heel veel laagjes, petticoats èn nog een rok, èn een hemdje èn een blouse èn een pruik… Het is denk ik wel een soort van ‘universal’ gevoel, haha, dat je na zo een meet alles van je afgooit en denkt “YESSSSS freedom!”