impossible ♡ list
I was inspired to make an Impossible List because I wanted to motivate myself into getting things done (I got the idea from college info geek – he has some real cool resources that might be helpful, but I have to say he got the idea for the list from another guy, haha). You may know the concept of a bucket list. Some people even have those on their websites! That’s cool. But an impossible list is different from a bucket list, because a bucket list is filled with “things I maybe hope will happen in the future” and that you’re not really focussed on happening now.
The idea of the impossible list is that it is organic and keeps growing, which is why it is ~impossible~ because things keep adding to it. However, it also is meant to help you make the things actually happen, rather than sitting around waiting for them to happen, someday. The bucket list is “I like this idea, this would be cool”. The impossible list is “this would be cool, and I’m working on it”. It’s in the mindset, really.
This idea coincides nicely with the timing of me checking out other resources where the focus is on being proactive… I could write a whole thing about that, but, the idea is that you take the first step as being proactive in your decisions, in your life. You don’t let life happen to you, but you make conscious decisions. This is hard because it requires you to think about things. It is much easier to just let your emotions guide you. But as we all know, emotions can be rubbish, and they can guide us to places we don’t want to be. Emotions are good, I’m not saying they are bad. It can be good to listen to your emotions and take a step back and let yourself feel things. However, in the grand scheme of things, when I look back to the things I have done in my life [moved places, started a degree, finished a degree] I am so much prouder and certain of the things that I really took the time to think over, and that were done while I made rational decisions. I was proactive in getting to where I wanted to be, and I want to keep that up in whatever I do next. This is not to say that impulse actions are bad, they can also be good, but if you’re thinking in terms of your studies, career, relationship, even friendships, it’s probably best to think about these things and not just let them happen!
I hope you get where I’m coming from, hahaha. I had some sort of wake up call where I realised a lot of things that happened in my life I just let happen and didn’t really think about what was happening or why. But I do have a say in my own life, I hope, so let’s do it! I think it is good to set some goals, and maybe some of the things on this list will never happen, but, let’s try hard to make them happen.
In the end of course it’s all about being happy. That is all I really, really want in life. Just to be content with what I am doing and what I have done, to be honest, and to maybe do something good for the world, but failing that, at least not do something really bad. But goals are good because they keep you focussed (and proactive! ha!) and you can feel proud and happy when you achieve them, so, hu ha hu, let’s start feeling happy.
AND they do not all have to be very serious goals. You can see I also added watching Disney movies to my goals. Because I can. ;)
I started writing the list with #goals, you know, that trendy thing to do now? (Read this on why hashtag goals are actually problematic, I’m being tongue-in-cheek here okay, these are my own #goals) But I’ve written the word goals so many times now it looks funny :D
- organise. my. things. – I have way, way, wayyyyyy too many things. I want to cut down on the amount, and I also want all the things that I do own, to have their own little space and use. konmari sensei plz come to me and help.
- go zero waste
- pay off my debts
- do something awesome, and donate money to charity while doing that
- play the harp regularly
- become fluent in Gaeilge – currently working on it via duolingo
- become fluent in Japanese – currently at intermediate level, but forgotten a load of things, so, meh
- learn Vietnamese
- eventually know at least seven languages
- more tattoos:
- sleeve
- chestpiece
- there’s a separate document on my computer of artists I’d like tattoos from ;)
- grow out my hair as long as Sissi’s (even if it was probably partly fake?)
- meditate once a day
- yoga
- cut out sugar from my diet – :( this one is so hard ugh
- learn how to do vegan baking without sugar
- run two to three days a week
- go out skating regularly
- play an actual full roller derby bout
- learn bowl skating
- exercise at least once a week
- learn to do proper pushups
- learn a handstand
- climb a mountain
run a 5k run(summer 2016!) – I didn’t do an official one but I run 5k regularly now, haha, so funny this was a goal?)run a 10k run(July 2016! and April 2017! and also September 2017!)run a half marathon AT DISNEYLAND(September 2016! & 2017!)- run a full marathon???? maybe??? – help
- update this blog regularly
- regular videoblogs
delete irrelevant things
finish bachelor’s degree(July 2014!) – YAY! I wrote a thesis and everything and I am a bachelor of arts now. boom!do actual academic research– I mean yeah, research master = do researchhelp someone with an article?– I believe, technically, this happened, but also, I don’t really mind if it didn’t.finish this master’s degree– whoops I guess that didn’t happen.
- go swim with rays – this has probably been my longest, most consistent ‘dream’. I have had this dream since I was 7. I wanted to go diving and swim with rays, and I can’t dive because I have stupid ears, but, maybe I can still go see rays in the wild. aaahhhh.
- volunteer at an animal place (rescue, shelter, monitoring, something)
- visit all the Disney parks in the world – so far: Disneyland Paris, Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disney Sea
- watch all the animated Disney movies
- watch all the Studio Ghibli movies
- finish reading The Lord Of The Rings
- … watch The Lord of the Rings and
The Hobbit–not sure if I am ready for this haha – booya I finished The Hobbit and watched all the movies, now I have to finish LOTR. watch all Star Wars movies– because apparently you have to (I did it! Am I cool now?) I even watched the Mandalorian!see Benedict Cumberbatch perform live(October 2015!) – YAS! ♡ saw him as Hamlet in London!- take full mermaid and full mernicorn photos
- learn to swim with a mermaid tail!
- take underwater photos
- swim with the not-stingy jellies
- visit Vlieland again
visit Berlin and eat all the vegan food(August 2018!)- visit NYC and see a musical on Broadway [and eat all the vegan food]
- visit Portland and eat all the vegan donuts and other food
- visit Toronto and eat all the vegan food
- go on a roadtrip in North America, movie-style.
go to the Eurovision Song Contest(May 2015!) – ohhh this was so gooood!- visit Bristol (and the pink house from Being Human, because I am a fangirl)
- visit Cardiff (and the sights from Doctor Who and Torchwood, because I am a fangirl)
- visit Barry Island (and Honolulu Heights from Being Human, because I am a fangirl)
- visit the Yorkshire Dales
- visit Scotland
- visit Iceland
- visit Hawaii and go to both the beach and the jungle
- visit Australia
- and New Zealand
- visit Ireland and speak Gaeilge to somebody
meet the designers of Angelic Pretty– that has happened quite a few times now ^_^ ♡ love themappear in Kera– 2011, 2012, 2013appear in the Gothic Lolita Bible– 2011 AND apparently in the English versionorganise a meetorganise a local event(2014 ILD!)organise a big event– see streetfashioneurope for details ^_^walk in a fashion show- finish the 30 day challenge and 52 challenge!
make a jellyfish outfit- make a special kind of hoopskirt
- do a cosplay completely from scratch
Well, since this is supposed to be an organic list I will keep adding things as I think of them, and hopefully crossing out some more things as time passes! If you have an impossible list as well, let me know! I like looking at them :)
{photo by the amazing Rosalynn H}