

All writing on this site, unless otherwise specified, is my own. The opinions and experiences expressed are all totally one hundred percent me. Sources will be given for secondary pieces of text. Please do not copy my writing without credit. (Although I’m not sure why you’d want to copy what I write but I would like to know what you’re using it for! So let me know if you do, and if you spot a typo feel free to correct me ;) )

dream marine twins


As mentioned above, the opinions on this website are formed from my own experiences. I want to always be completely honest and speak from my personal point of view. Regarding reviews: I will always give my honest opinion about something, which will probably include good and bad points (but what else are reviews for?!). Of course, I try to be constructive in my criticism, but I will never promote something I do not believe in. For the sake of transparency I will always mention if content features sponsored products or affiliate links.

image credits

As with the writing, the images used on this website are my own, and all the rights are belong to me (that’s not a typo, just me showing how long I’ve been around on the internet for…) but if you found a photo on my flickr that is NOT all rights reserved, please follow the instructions on how to properly credit me.

Please do not use any of the images (or writing) for commercial use. Photos may not be used under any circumstances without written consent. You can e-mail to discuss any photo usage with me. Thank you!


I try my best to always credit images by others. However, if you feel that I have missed to give credit where it was due, please contact me – please include the correct information so I may add it and fix things as fast as possible ^_^

site credits

This is a proudly self-hosted WordPress site, and the theme I’m using is Powen :)