♡ lolita

  • day 7 and day 8
    ♡ a day in my life,  ♡ adventures,  ♡ life,  ♡ lolita,  ♡ outfit snap,  ♡ style,  ♡ video,  ♡ vlogmas

    VLOGMAS ♡ DAY 7 & 8

    I HAVE FINALLY FIXED MY LAPTOP!!! but as there is so much to do it is really hard to sit down and post stuff! Ahhhh! I am trying my best though! So here’s more time-machine-vlogmas! enjoy! ❄️ day 7 ❄️ View this post on Instagram A post shared by Vief *ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚ (@vief) skirt ☆ Primark jumper ☆ Zara Kids socks, beret ☆ offbrand ❄️ day 8 ❄️ View this post on Instagram A post shared by Vief *ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚ (@vief) skirt ☆ Angelic Pretty ♡ Milky Planet jumper ☆ vintage hat ☆ Fleur en Sucre shoes ☆ Swimmer IT’S ALMOST CHRISTMAS I AM SO EXCITED AAAHHHHHH!!!! hopefully see you soon!

  • 5plus6
    ♡ a day in my life,  ♡ adventures,  ♡ life,  ♡ lolita,  ♡ outfit snap,  ♡ style,  ♡ video,  ♡ vlogmas

    VLOGMAS ♡ DAY 5 & 6

    Aahhhhh! Finally finally I have managed to upload more vlogmas… I had difficulties with my laptop on the weekend of the 5th and 6th, so on the 7th I had the genius idea to ‘fix’ it and instead I broke it. I have been laptopless for over a week now! Booo!! The good news is I have kept on vlogging, the bad news is, I have no opportunity to edit and upload! My laptop still isn’t fixed. Sadness! ?day 5 ? View this post on Instagram A post shared by Vief *ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚ (@vief) skirt ☆ Angelic Pretty ♡ Wonder Queen jumper ☆ H&M tights, beret ☆ offbrand ? day 6 ? Pfooooooo!!! I’m sorry it took me…

  • 4
    ♡ a day in my life,  ♡ adventures,  ♡ life,  ♡ lolita,  ♡ style,  ♡ video,  ♡ vlogmas


    THIS TOOK WAY TOO LONG to edit and upload. :( My phone has not been nice to me this weekend! But it’s here, it’s finally here, the most chaotic and longest day in a vlog so far~ This was also the day I incorporated a Christmas jumper into a Lolita outfit {see previous post}. I wasn’t too sure about it because now it’s neither really Lolita nor really Christmassy but it’s okay it made me feel cute anyway! That’s what happens when you try new things right? Sometimes it works, sometimes you’re not sure… I liked putting the bow on the bear in the end :D View this post on…

  • 3
    ♡ a day in my life,  ♡ adventures,  ♡ life,  ♡ lolita,  ♡ outfit snap,  ♡ style,  ♡ video,  ♡ vlogmas


    Hey hooooo it’s a bit late in the day because this day has been insane [just wait for the next vlog -of today- to see why] but here it issss! VLOGMAS DAY 3!!! I am really enjoying doing these so far, hope you like watching them! Let me know if you do, with a thumbs up or a comment or something, just so I know what you think ^__^ I am trying to use this every-day-posting thing as an opportunity to motivate myself to dress up more, I had this silly idea to make my outfits a bit Christmassy-feeling?? not sure it’s working haha, I don’t have the biggest festive wardrobe,…

  • 1
    ♡ a day in my life,  ♡ adventures,  ♡ life,  ♡ lolita,  ♡ outfit snap,  ♡ style,  ♡ video,  ♡ vlogmas


    HAPPY DECEMBER! I’m pretending that I am not drowning in work and deadlines and decided to do a fun little vlogging project. It’s called vlogmas and basically it means you vlog every day until Christmas. Sounds fun, right? I need to get more confident in blogging and I wanted to do more ‘as I go’ kind of videos rather than me just sitting around talking, so hopefully this project will help with that. December 1st was quite an action-packed day so it’s a bit long, but I don’t think all of them will be this long. Hope you enjoy! skirt ☆ Angelic Pretty ♡ Twinkle Ornament blouse ☆ Innocent World cardigan ☆ New Look

  • Our table!
    ♡ adventures,  ♡ events,  ♡ lolita,  ♡ outfit snap,  ♡ style

    lolitas of Leeds ♡ ILD summer 2014

    Hallo hallo, long time no blog!! Well, I’m freeeeeee [pretty much] from university now, so, time to catch up! Every summer and winter, lolitas all over the world celebrate International Lolita Day, which falls on the first weekend of June and first weekend of December. I think the official day is on a saturday for some reason but a lot of people also have meet ups and celebrations on the sunday. Which was the case for us, Lolitas of Leeds, because we held a SUPER GIANT MEGA MEET on Sunday the 8th of June.

  • ♡ adventures,  ♡ lolita,  ♡ style

    vief ♡ clothes and food and stuff

    Whoooooops, I realise my last post was two months ago! (◎ー◎;) I have been SO BUSY! Well, at least I have the “it was summer”-excuse. And I think it’s a valid excuse because my summer was really good! My summer was so adventurous and filled with fun people and fun memories [and many fun photos that I really want to share!!] that I am really sad it is over! But on the other hand I am also reaaaaally excited about the academic year starting again. I am starting my third [and final] year at the University of Leeds. I’m taking lots of interesting modules and also have to write a dissertation.…

  • VC110702 2
    ♡ lolita,  ♡ outfit snap,  ♡ style

    Ash & Vief ♡ twinning!

    This post has probably been the most work I’ve put into something for no actual good reason other than I wanted to do it and it seemed fun. The idea certainly seemed a lot more fun before I had to trek through all my five hard disks in search of things, and in the mean time I also had the misfortune to discover that I’ve lost another month worth of photos [discovering that I have lost photos, to me, is quite upsetting.] – which happened to me before and really made me sad. But now that I’ve had a few moments to recover, I’m finally ready. I am here to…