impossible ♡ list
I was inspired to make an Impossible List because I wanted to motivate myself into getting things done (I got the idea from college info geek – he has some real cool resources that might be helpful, but I have to say he got the idea for the list from another guy, haha). You may know the concept of a bucket list. Some people even have those on their websites! That’s cool. But an impossible list is different from a bucket list, because a bucket list is filled with “things I maybe hope will happen in the future” and that you’re not really focussed on happening now.
video ♡ blue hair: Frozen and house hunting
Hi sweetiecakes!!! Longggg time no see on this blog! So, here’s a video from a week ago after I went to the beach. Hope you enjoy it! If you have any experiences with having blue (or purple, or green, or whatever) hair, funny anecdotes, discrimination, names you’ve been called… Let me know! We should support each other hahaha! (⑅˃̵౪˂̵⑅) Anyway, hope to see you again soon!
January 1
Why hello. It’s 2015 now. I wrote something on December 31st, 2013 – something long, something sad. It was tough to write… The support I got was overwhelming, and everybody who has been with me over the last year, I thank you so, so much. Things have changed tremendously from that moment until now, and it’s mostly for the better, and I’m so thankful and grateful for it! It was a crazy year and I’ve learned and grown so much, and I hope to continue to keep working on myself and make things better. So let’s take this moment to look back in positives!
bridlington ♡ beach
Hello hi, it’s been a very crazy very busy two months, but I finally have energy to post something again. Sooooo, in June when I was still in the UK, Beccy offered to go to the seaside before I left (to go “see my people”), so we all dressed up in our Nightmare Rising sailor JSKs and had a fun day out!
lolitas of Leeds ♡ ILD summer 2014
Hallo hallo, long time no blog!! Well, I’m freeeeeee [pretty much] from university now, so, time to catch up! Every summer and winter, lolitas all over the world celebrate International Lolita Day, which falls on the first weekend of June and first weekend of December. I think the official day is on a saturday for some reason but a lot of people also have meet ups and celebrations on the sunday. Which was the case for us, Lolitas of Leeds, because we held a SUPER GIANT MEGA MEET on Sunday the 8th of June.
instagram ♡ december 2013
I thought it would be fun to share my instagram pictures in one place. I know it’s a bit image heavy because I took a trip to the Netherlands and Belgium and was really happy to be using instagram again, haha, so maybe that’s a sign I should do these posts a bit more often and a bit more staggered ^_^
December 31
Hey, blog. Long time no see. I apologise in advance that this is a long read. I figured at some point I would take the time to explain what has been happening with me. In case anybody cared… but mostly for myself. I used to write a diary when I was young, and then I used to write a virtual diary when I was a little older, and I would always take the time on this stupid day, to write something. Many people do. We like to reflect back on a year. What was good, what was bad, what do we want out of the shiny promise of a new…
Once upon a time Gemma Correll drew a picture of me in her visual diary and it is really cute!!!
omglob omglob omglob
vief ♡ clothes and food and stuff
Whoooooops, I realise my last post was two months ago! (◎ー◎;) I have been SO BUSY! Well, at least I have the “it was summer”-excuse. And I think it’s a valid excuse because my summer was really good! My summer was so adventurous and filled with fun people and fun memories [and many fun photos that I really want to share!!] that I am really sad it is over! But on the other hand I am also reaaaaally excited about the academic year starting again. I am starting my third [and final] year at the University of Leeds. I’m taking lots of interesting modules and also have to write a dissertation.…
vief ♡ 6%dokidoki perfect book!
Let me introduce to you: the 6%dokidoki Perfect Book! It’s a mook [magazine-book] published by 6%dokidoki, of which I am a big fan. I got this thing ages ago and it’s hardly news anymore, but if you’re one of the people who hasn’t gotten this mook yet: get ittttt~!
Question ☆ Tell something more about your tattoos?
What do they mean to you/where did you get them done/random thoughts you have about them? Well, you asked, I over-delivered. This is quite long and detailed, but I hope it answers everything and if you still have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask! My first tattoo is a ‘secret’, it’s not really a big deal I just like to keep it as much to myself as possible. I got it when I was 18. As you may or may not know I have a history with self injury and depression and this tattoo is important to me because it means that I make my own choices and I make my own…
☆ Lolita in the woods ☆
Once upon a time on a day in April when it was sunny enough, I ventured into the ‘woods’ along what is known as the Ridge. It’s not really a forest but it’s a nice area with trees. It’s pleasant for walks and contemplation, and it serves as a shortcut from Woodhouse (my area) to Headingley (another student area).