Ash & Vief ♡ twinning!
Paris trip, July 2012
At Japan Expo! This is similar to the outfit for MIA in 2011. We’re wearing ETC’s Strawberry print.
Sunglasses? SUNGLASSES!
For the Angelic Pretty Tea Party the theme was Summer Princess so we wore AP’s Chess Chocolate with a lot of golden accents and Ash was even wearing a tiny gold crown!
The snap in KERA was even smaller this year! [Left bottom corner, only 3 photos for the snap, and the whole report was smaller, too.] Still, we’re very happy we were chosen again. ♥~(‘▽^人)
Bonus photomaton picture where we show off our golden 6%dokidoki bows!
Ash was over the moon to finally have the exact same white colourway of Meta’s Apple print, so we made another red and white apple twin outfit for a day of Parisian tourism.
Disneyland~ twinning with our Korilakkuma hats, pastel lavender and rainbow tights hehe
Christmas 2012
Last Christmas, we spent a very short time together. Ash came from Belgium to the Netherlands to be with me and my family for Christmas dinner, and we dressed in gold and white for the occasion. I’m wearing AP’s Twinkle Ornament and Ash is wearing AatP’s Gathered Chiffon.
The next day we wore matching fairy kei outfits and then they had to leave again and that was the last time I saw them. :(
Buuuuut hopefully I’ll see them again soon and we already have plans for this summer! ;) Thank you for reading this giant post, and to be continued… \(^▽^*)

Ann-Sophie Vermeylen
Omg I’m gonna cry this leaves me with so much emotions!! We’ve come from so far, it’s so awesome to see the whole line-up!! You can really see we are improving and aahh just epic epic epic post! I hope to add way more twins with you in the future, love love love!! <3 <3 <3
Let us both cry haha (╯︵╰,) But maybe not! Maybe let’s just focus on the happy times we will have together in the future!! So many hearts for you, my perfect Twin-Twin ♡ ♡ ♡
Ohhh, zoveel moois in deze post! Jullie vriendschap, de kleding, alles, soooo pretty <3
♡ Dankjewel voor je lieve comment Annika ♡
Mila de Blois
That’s such an amazing post ! I’ve liked all your twinning coordinations since I saw them. You both are so gorgeous, and do super-duper-cute twinnings (even when you don’t wear the same dress, everything match so well that I don’t notice it at the first look). I hope I will be able to meet you two this year at the Paris events !
Ann-Sophie Vermeylen
Omg, thank you for your super sweet comment! *___* And yes, we’ll be there in Paris! Going all days at japan expo and going to the lolita convention as well! Can’t wait to meet you! <3
Thank you very much for your comment and sweet compliments!! I feel very flattered (◡‿◡✿), and yes it would be nice to meet you in Paris! I’m looking forward to it. (“⌒∇⌒”)
You’re the best lolita twins I know!
You seem to think about every detail, even the smallest, which makes your coords perfect.
Thank you Julie ♡ You’re so kind!
Doet bijna pijnnnn zo cuuute! En ik ben stik jaloers op jullie Rilakkuma mutsjes <3
Nawwwww Anneee (*/∇\*)making me blush!
♡ volgende keer dat ik naar Japan gaa [alleen weet ik niet wanneer dat is, lol] neem ik eentje voor je mee!
Whaaa superleuk om al jullie outfits samen te zien ♥ Was vast heel veel werk om alle foto’s allemaal samen te stellen maar dat is het wel waard toch ^^
Dankjewel!! ♡ En ik ben blij dat het toch gelukt is want het was het inderdaad waard (⌒_⌒;)
Avina "Lana" Rose
Oh my goodness this was absolutely perfect! I love seeing how you all kept twinning through the years! Your friendship is something I definitely admire. *A* Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment! (´ω`★) I’m glad you enjoyed it! ♡
I really love every single outfit! You always manage to look so flawless together! I remember I always looked at your pictures and then one day I actually got to meet you girls! I was so happy~!
♡ Thank you for your sweet comment, that really makes me blush! It was so nice meeting you! Hopefully we’ll meet again!
Theo Coskun
Very impressive pictorial story.
Seeing both of you dressed up at Christmas dinner made the dinner still more amazing.
We love to see both of you back in Rotterdam very soon….when will it be?
♡ ♡ ♡
Laura Dronne
Thank you for this long post full of cuteness, friendship and pretty coords ♥
You two look great ! I love all your twinings and matching coords ! They’re so colorful and full of details !
Thank you so much for reading it! ♡ And for your lovely compliments! I appreciate it, thank you so much!
❤️ The first time I saw you both you were twinning Dreaming Macaron at hyper Japan, by coincidence I was wearing the same print. You both looked totally amazing and I was super shy to speak to you, but you were both super loverly and I got a pic together with us all wearing the same print. It made me so happy even tho your outfits looked miles better it inspired me to try harder, you are both the best Lolita twins.
Who would have thought years later I would get to go hang out in Paris and go to the AP tea party and expo with you! Stay magical.
Awww thanks for your lovely comment Jen! <3 You are also always magical and I love when you and Andie match with each other! You inspire me equally, you're such a cool person and great Lolita! and hanging out in Paris was so funnnn, I hope we can do it again sometime! xoxo